Metaproject ‘Digitalisation in the education sector II’


The meta-project (Digi-EBF II) is part of the Empirical Educational Research framework programme and the BMBF research focus ‘Digitalisation in Education’. It pursues the overarching goals of advancing research on education and digitalisation, making it visible and shaping it in collaboration with practitioners.

Coordinated by the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), the project brings together the UDE, DIPF, DIE and IWM. The network sees itself as a service provider for the projects funded by the research centre, whose services are based on research findings that have already been obtained (Digi-EBF I) and are currently being collected (Digi-EBF II).

In Digi-EBF II, measures and practices of co-construction are identified, programmes are created to enable and shape transfer and own research is conducted to develop the challenges and potentials of co-construction and transfer in education. In the sense of design-oriented educational research, approaches to cooperation with the funded projects are reflected upon and discussed in reflection meetings and dialogue formats with educational practice and bridging actors and introduced into a broader discourse. The meta-project networks the funded projects with each other and within the research community on content-related, methodological and transfer-related topics. The state of research on practice-relevant issues relating to education and digitalisation is compiled in research syntheses, prepared in a practice-oriented manner and disseminated via appropriate channels. Accompanying these activities, various formats of knowledge transfer (dialogue formats, knowledge products and online portals) are researched and used.

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Federal Ministry of Education and Research


01/2024 - 12/2026

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