The joint project Domain Data Protocols for Empirical Educational Research in Germany (DDP-Education) is concerned with the development of standardised data protocols to ensure data quality and the subsequent use of research data. The aim is to create publicly accessible and referenceable model protocols for research data management in empirical educational research. Domain data protocols describe all relevant aspects of research data management with regard to data quality, preparation and documentation as well as the handling of legal requirements – in concrete terms and in relation to the specific data type or the specific data collection method. The sample protocols support researchers in generating quality-assured and reusable research data that fulfils current requirements in terms of reproducibility, FAIRness and open science. In addition, the model protocols help to make the process of applying for funding and the associated review and monitoring processes more efficient.
Project Management
- Dr. Elke C. Bongartz (DIE)
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Borowski (University Potsdam)
- Prof. Dr. Michael Bosnjak (University Trier)
- Dr. Harry Enke (AIP)
- Dr. Daniel Fuß (LIfBi)
- Prof. Dr. Markus Huff (IWM)
- Dr. Jan Goebel (DIW Berlin)
- Dr. Malte Jansen (IQB)
- Prof. Dr. Susanne Kuger (DJI)
- Reiner Mauer (GESIS)
- Prof. Dr. Marc Rittberger (DIPF)
- Dr. Karsten Stephan (DZHW)
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Funding Organization
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
06/2019 - 05/2022