Education Through Language and Literacy


BiSS (Bildung durch Sprache und Schrift, BiSS) is a joint governmental and federal initiative for improving and advancing concepts and methods for language development, language assessment and reading development in elementary, primary and secondary education.

Target Group

Educational practice (pedagogical specialists and teachers in elementary, primary and secondary education), educational policy and administration, (prospective) scientists in educational research


The aim of the federal-state initiative “BiSS-Transfer” is to disseminate concepts for promoting language, reading and writing skills in schools and daycare centers. These are scientifically based concepts that were tested and further developed in the initiative “Education through Language and Writing” (BiSS, 2013 to 2019). “BiSS-Transfer” also aims to generate insights into how effective support measures can be implemented sustainably in schools and daycare centers.

Theme Focus

  • Promoting the language and literacy education of children and adolescents
  • Transfer research in the field of language education


  • Scientific support of up to 90 daycare and school networks in the implementation and transfer of concepts for language, reading and writing promotion.
  • Qualification of teachers and pedagogical specialists through blended learning trainings and further training offers of the federal states.
  • Practice-oriented transfer publications on language education, reading and writing promotion
  • Promotion of networking among all participants in the initiative
  • Research of transfer conditions through the research network BiSS-Transfer

Funding Organizations

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Further initiating parties:

  • Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)
  • Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK)

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