November 6, 2024 | CIDER Fall Workshop 2024 in Munich
The CIDER Fall Workshop 2024 took place at the ifo Institute – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich. It was organized by the ifo Institute, the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, in collaboration with the CIDER Coordination.
The event began with a session in which CIDER Alumni presented their results and experiences from working in interdisciplinary Micro Groups, followed by a keynote address by Fabian Pfeffer (LMU) titled Wealth and Education. In the evening, participants gathered for dinner at the “Hofbräukeller.”
On the second day, the Fellows had the opportunity to exchange ideas in various formats and explore potential collaborations within Micro Groups. These included the presentation of data sets, a dedicated Open Space session, and paper presentations, which were commented on by discussants from other disciplines.
See the detailed program here.

April 11, 2024 | CIDER IV Kick-off Workshop 2024 in Frankfurt
The fourth cohort started with the CIDER IV Kick-off Workshop 2024 at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education in Frankfurt (April 8-10, 2024). The workshop’s main goal was to introduce the new Fellows to each other. The program offered plenty of opportunities to get to know each other, with formats like poster presentations, an open space focusing on shared research interests as well as different social events. Furthermore, the Fellows got an introduction to the three central research topics by interdisciplinary talks from different disciplines, which were given by CIDER alumni from the last cohort and CIDER seniors. Jannis Burkhard and Lisa Ziernwald were elected as CIDER IV cohort representatives. Have a look at the detailed program here.

March 20, 2024 | Livia Kuklick wins the GEBF Young Publication Award
Congratulations to Livia Kuklick (CIDER IV Fellow) for winning the GEBF Young Publication Award in the category for doctoral students for her work “Affective-motivational effects of performance feedback in computer-based assessment: Does error message complexity matter?“!
January 4, 2024 | Selection of CIDER IV Fellows completed
The selection process for the new cohort CIDER IV is completed: The CIDER Steering Committee has selected 30 promising researchers for the Fellowship. The decision was really hard, as there were more than twice as many applications for the 30 Fellowships, all of them of very good quality.
The CIDER Coordination congratulates the new Fellows and is already excited to get to know all of them at the Kick-off Workshop in April at the DIPF in Frankfurt!
November 28, 2023 | CIDER III Public Science Award 2023
Congratulations to Henning Hermes for winning the CIDER Public Science Award 2023! His contribution “(Trying to) Communicate Research Findings to Political Decision Makers” convinced the Jury by the interdisciplinary approach and the excellent concept as well as realisation.
The 2nd prize was awarded to Katarina Weßling for her public science activities and cooperations regarding regional infrastructure and occupational plans and chances of adolescents in Germany. (see e.g. her keynote at policy conference of transfer inititaitive municipal education management)
Sauro Civitillo won the 3rd prize for his interview on multicultural education and cultural responsive teaching in Europe.
The Jury was very impressed by the high quality of all submissions and congratulates the three winners and all participating fellows to their excellent Public Science Projects!
November 28, 2023 | CIDER III Final Conference in Berlin
CIDER Fellows from all three cohorts gathered for a great CIDER reunion at the WZB in Berlin from November 20-22, 2023. The program commenced with a collective visit to the German Resistance Memorial (Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand) and a fireside chat on perspectives in educational research with CIDER Fellows and Seniors.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, all 16 Micro Groups of CIDER III presented their research topics and results. Furthermore, the Fellows reflected on the benefits and obstacles of interdisciplinarity in a World Cafe, listened to two captivating keynotes by Richard Münch and Valentina di Stasio, and discussed ways to stay connected as CIDER alumni. In addition, there was ample time for informal exchange during a walk through Tiergarten and the conference dinner on Tuesday.
All participants enjoyed reconnecting with old friends and establishing new contacts with Fellows from other cohorts.
See the detailed program here.
October 12, 2023 | Extended Call for applications for CIDER cohort IV
As a consequence of the ongoing impact of the Covid 19-pandemic on the careers of young scientists, the CIDER Steering Committee has decided to adjust the criteria for applications for CIDER Cohort IV and to extend the application deadline.
Please spread the extended Call for applications for CIDER Cohort IV (Link) in your networks. Deadline for applications is November 30, 2023. Thank you!
In case of questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the CIDER Coordination Team ().
We are looking forward to promising applications!
July 17, 2023 | Great news: CIDER is continuing after the end of Cohort III
Please spread the Call for applications for CIDER Cohort IV in your networks. Thank you!
In case of questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the CIDER Coordination Team ().
We are looking forward to promising applications!
June 16, 2023 | CIDER Spring Workshop 2023
The CIDER Spring Workshop 2023 took place from May 22-24, 2023, at the ZEW in Mannheim.
Pedro Carneiro of University College London gave a key note on public childcare, labor market outcomes of caregivers, and child development. Later fellows from CIDER cohorts II and III participated in a plenum discussion to share their experiences with applications for professorship with the other Fellows. Moreover, Cordula Artelt introduced the new DFG Infrastructure Priority Program “New Data Spaces for the Social Sciences”. Finally, Brent Roberts of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign gave a key note on the conceptualization of traits or skills in educational psychology. The program was complemented by a walking tour through Mannheim, the visit of an art exhibition and a joint dinner at the ZEW Bistro.
See the detailed program here.