Academic and psychosocial development in vocational track schools in the states of Baden-Württemberg and Sachsen


The study „Tradition and Innovation. Development at High Schools in Baden-Württemberg and Sachsen“ (TRAIN) seeked to help answering questions about the „effects“ of learning environments. TRAIN was a multicohort longitudinal study which examined the development of academic success, motivation, ability to perform and well-being during upper second track education and to what extent they are influenced by varying learning environments.

The TRAIN study addressed questions such as:
  • Which academic, family, and individual premises are most beneficial for students’ learning?
  • How do different school forms handle their students’ strengths and weaknesses?
  • How well-prepared for their entry into the job market are students when they graduate?
  • How can teaching be successful despite difficult circumstances?
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Baden-Württemberg, Hector Foundation II, Sachsen, Robert Bosch Foundation


01/2014 - 12/2020

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