Ubiquitous accessibility of learning and information services as given on the web has led to a sharp increase in the multitude of instantly available information and display formats as well as the growth of possibilities for interaction with the respective information. To process and use this vast amount of information in a meaningful way, further skills and competencies are essential beyond what is learned at school. These reach from sophisticated query skills on the web to a critical assessment and integration of multiple and heterogeneous documents to learning strategies concerning the use of multimedia sources or volitional strategies for screening from distracting information. The description and explanation of competence acquisition at school and the analysis and support of cognitive, metacognitive, and volitional information processing are crucial when it comes to enabling learners to adequately deal with a vast body of information, in formal as well as informal educational settings, thus optimize the use of rich information sources for knowledge acquisition processes.
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Prof. Dr. Olaf Köller
IPN – Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education
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