Digitization-related and digitally supported professionalization of MIN-teachers


The aims of DigiProMIN are the research-based development of professionalization modules for the design of digitally supported STEM lessons, the identification of effective possibilities for the use of digital media in further education and training and the design and implementation of a transfer strategy at various levels.

The professionalization modules developed in the network take digitality into account in different ways. Firstly, further and continuing education measures are being designed to (further) qualify teachers of mathematics, computer science and natural sciences for teaching with digital media (“professionalizing teachers for digital media”). On the one hand, these have been developed specifically for the subjects mentioned, while on the other hand they also cover cross-curricular teaching and learning approaches, e.g. for subject teaching. The professionalization modules are related to specific digital teaching materials and tools and are intended to enable teachers to conduct comprehension-oriented, cognitively activating and adaptive lessons with digital media. The focus here is on the development of a coherent range of lessons rather than the use of individual digital tools.

Secondly, it examines how digital media can be used sensibly for the further and continuing education of teachers by developing and implementing digitally supported further and continuing education measures – using virtual reality, simulations and online platforms (“Professionalizing teachers with digital media”).

Connection to practice, transfer and implementation

The professionalization modules are developed in consultation with the specialist managers of the state institutes. They are the subject of the network’s multidimensional transfer and implementation strategy.

  • The material transfer and implementation strategy consists of preparing the results achieved in the project (professionalization modules, digitally supported teaching materials and concepts for digitally supported further education and training) as Open Educational Resources (OER) and making them digitally available nationwide. To this end, existing platforms such as LERNEN.Cloud and Clearing House Unterricht will be networked and expanded.
  • The personal transfer and implementation strategy refers on the one hand to the integration of the modules developed in the project into structured subject-specific or STEM-related further education and training programs of the countries participating in the network as well as into co-constructively designed networks (as professional learning communities of teachers). In doing so, the network is guided by the activities of the German Center for Mathematics Teacher Education (DZLM) as a possible blueprint for a learning:digital STEM competence center.
  • Finally, a systemic transfer and implementation strategy will be implemented by supporting cross-phase cooperation, including the qualification of multipliers and supra-regional cooperation. The systemic strategy also includes the provision of control-relevant knowledge by developing and empirically validating instruments for recording the digitalization-related skills of teachers.

The systemic strategy is being tested as an example in three federal states in cooperation with the respective state institutes and quality institutions. These are Bavaria with the Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung (ALP) and the Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung (ISB), Brandenburg with the Landesinstitut für Schule und Medien Berlin-Brandenburg (LISUM) and the Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport (MBJS, Referat 45) and Schleswig-Holstein with the Institut für Qualitätsentwicklung an Schulen (IQSH).

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Funding Organization

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


04/2023 - 09/2025

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