Experts from educational science, subject-matter education, linguistics, media and cultural studies, neurosciences, economics, political sciences, psychology, sociology as well as information science and computer science have formed a research alliance of 25 institutions, the Leibniz Education Research Network Alliance (LERN), to bring together their expertise and to strengthen visibility for sponsors, political stakeholders, educational administrators, and in view of the public at large.
Educational processes and labor market opportunities are closely linked. At the transition from school to the labor market, it is important to support young people in their educational decisions and to help them develop their full potential.
Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi)
Modern education should prepare people for the digitised world of tomorrow. Educational research can supply answers such as to the question of how digital media can improve teaching and learning processes.
Given technological change, overcoming barriers to adult education and training becomes more important, particularly because they mainly discourage vulnerable groups of workers from participation.
By situating educational media in their sociocultural, political, economic, and historical contexts, we generate research findings oriented to the practice of schooling.
Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute
Early language acquisition is a central component of successful education. The precise knowledge on the language acquisition trajectories allows to disentangle typical and atypical language development and to develop appropriate support for children.
Success in school depends not only on the students themselves or their parents, but also on teachers, schools, and educational policy. On all levels, steps can be taken to battle disadvantages.
Individual support is very central in education. The goal should be to understand each child's strengths and weaknesses and to encourage its development according to its own potentials.
DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
Opening universities for students without a university-entrance diploma helps to reduce social disadvantages. Higher education research shows, that students without this qualification study almost as successful as others.
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Ensuring fair access to schools, reducing segregation, and promoting competition: This is what scientifically designed allocation mechanisms can help to achieve.
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Well-trained teachers are the basis for successful learning processes in school. Empirical research of classroom teaching examines what it needs to enhance professional skills furthermore.
Leibniz Insitute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN)
Inequalities in the educational system continue to be a key challenge. Social möbackground, migration background, and regional conditions still influence the access to education and educational performance.
Inequalities in the educational system continue to be a key challenge. Social background, migration background, and regional conditions still influence the access to education and educational performance.
DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
School Education is taking place under digital conditions. Our research on the content, practices and appropriation of (digital) educational media contributes to a critical and reflective use of them.
It is fascinating to see education in a broader context of learning research and even to discuss the relevance of neuroscientific basics of learning for educational research.
Good educational investments usually generate significant social, fiscal, and individual returns. Good educational investments target at long-term and sustainable effects.
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Today learning of others is essential for innovation in educational systems. This could be through cooperations in schools, comparative and multidisciplinary educational research or networking in education policy.
We are investigating the influence of socio-emotional skills on educational participation and educational performance. Our intention is to identify ways in which these relevant skills can be specifically trained.
The department combines the perspectives of educational science, psychology, and sociology, and participates in nationally funded projects that focus not only on research but also on the transfer of research findings.
Dep. ES. – University of Potsdam | Department of Educational Science at the University of Potsdam
In today's social debates, facts often receive less attention than opinions and false information. We are researching how the consideration of scientific evidence can be increased.
At the department, we generate reliable scientific findings that are relevant for optimizing school system – e.g., for dealing with heterogeneous learning prerequisites or for advancing technology-enhanced teaching.
Dep. ES. – University of Potsdam | Department of Educational Science at the University of Potsdam
In a dynamically changing society, it is essential that all adults have the opportunity to learn what they want or need. At the DIE we are researching and working to support learning and education for adults.
German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE)
Firms complain about lack of trainees and slow progress in inclusion despite many unused potentials of low-achieving school leavers: School, vocational preparation programs, and firms are called upon to discover these potentials.
In cooperation between subject-specific educational sciences and didactics, we investigate educational concepts for school practice. Transfer research and the professionalisation of teachers thereby support sustainable implementation.
In an aging society like Germany, education is of fundamental importance. The aim must be to exploit all educational potential from the outset if the decline in the labor force is to be countered.
Empirical research in education provides evidence on educational processes, their conditions and results. For developing educational quality further, it is crucial to take these research findings into account.
Institute for Educational Quality Improvement (IQB)
If we want to support students in the best possible way, it is necessary to promote systematically the best possible research and conduct an intensive, systematic exchange between practice and science.
Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology (HIB)
Our studies show that attention develops throughout childhood. The successful control of attention facilitates many learning processes. Therefore, educational concepts have to consider the developmental pathway of attention.
Grammar – basic competence for discovering and developing linguistic knowledge: Linguistics researches the entire spectrum of the language system and thus represents the central reference science for language education and teaching.
In order to secure equal opportunities in the future and therefore the basis of our prosperity, educational policy must become the key pillar of the social market economy.
Martin Ehlert: Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien/Paavo Ruch
Eckhardt Fuchs: David Ausserhofer
Marcus Hasselhorn: David Ausserhofer
Monika Jungbauer-Gans: fotorismus für DIPF
Henning Lobin : Ute Boeters/Kiel
Kai Maaz: Astrid Eckert
Frank Ohl: T. W. Klein
Friedhelm Pfeiffer: Tom Baerwald für DIPF
Justin J. W. Powell: Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig
Beatrice Rammstedt: R. Blumenstein
Dirk Richter: ZEW
Kai Sassenberg: Michel Brumat/Universität Luxemburg
Katharina Scheiter: Markus Heissler
Josef Schrader: Die Hoffotografen
Heike Solga: Bettina Leuchtenberg/Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
C. Katharina Spieß: Universität Potsdam Tobias Hopfgarten
Petra Stanat: DIE/Seifen
Ulrich Trautwein: David Ausserhofer
Nicole Wetzel: Barbara Dietl/DIW Berlin
Ulrich Trautwein: Schultzik/13465 Berlin
Nicole Wetzel: Andreas Weise/factum
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